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The algorithms Einstein used to do everything he did, and surgeons use to do everything they do!

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Einstein’s Algorithm Can Explain Super-photonic Neutrinos And Revise Relativity

INTRODUCTION: This is the transcript of a paper I shall submit for publication to arXiv, Cornell University's Web Journal in Physics, and to other Physics journals. I do not know how long it will take for me to get it published and if I will ever be successful in this endeavor.

I have been saying that Special Relativity, the fact that the velocity of light is a constant, is secondary to the fact that the velocity of time, the velocity with which time flows, is a constant. All the theoretical physicists I have talked to, have refused to listen to me because I am not a mathematician and cannot express this concept in mathematical terms. I have tried to tell them that I do not think anyone can express this concept in mathematical terms because it is something that is not amenable to expression mathematically.

As far as I am concerned, the discovery of neutrinos travelling faster than light during the OPERA experiment, even if the finding was false, should not have occurred if Einstein's Theory was 100% accurate and nothing can travel faster than light. It has been my contention that Einstein's theory was not 100% correct because he did not ask and answer one out of the ten questions that his own algorithm, the one he used to discover relativity, required him to ask and answer. In this paper, I have described how asking and answering that one question will rectify the deficiency in the Theory of relativity, account for the observation of the super-photonic neutrinos (neutrinos that travel faster than light), and help unify it with the rest of the totality of the human knowledge and experience.

I have written this article in such a way that a non-scientist should be able to understand it with a minimum effort. It is important to address and remedy the deficiency in Einstein’s theory because it is the deficiency in common sense, the plan-of-action we use to do everything we do, the deficiency that has brought our world to the state it is in today. We are able to send a human being to the moon and bring him/her back alive but we cannot solve simple problems of everyday life. The day we learn how to fix relativity, we will learn how to do things that seem impossible to do today, create jobs, win the war on terror, and solve our everyday problems with mathematical precision and learn to live with one another in peace and harmony.

>ACTINEMAS is the algorithm one will obtain if one expresses as an algorithm, the steps Einstein took to discover relativity, Newton took to discover the laws of physics, and navigators, engineers, physicians and surgeons take to practice their professions. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that ACTINEMAS is the intellectual pathway or algorithm one must use for making discoveries and dealing with everything successfully under all circumstances where success is humanly possible to attain. Evaluation of the OPERA neutrino experiment using ACTINEMAS to determine why neutrinos travelling faster than light have suddenly became detectable, suggests that the use of multiple monitors to monitor individual parameters was the enabling factor. In past relativistic experiments and phenomenological experiences, a single monitor/observer monitors or observes multiple parameters while actively participating in the events they were monitoring or observing resulting in development of blind spots or observational black holes that compromise the ability of monitors to monitor and observes to observe. This leads to a loss of information and warping of data causing the development of relativistic phenomena. Re-assessment of relativity using ACTINEMAS prompted by discovery of super-photonic neutrinos, suggests the need for a Kuhnian paradigm shift effected by considering the constancy of the velocity of light in special relativity as being secondary to the primary constancy of the inertial velocity of time. This will enable accounting for of all of relativity based on Newtonian Physics accomplishing unification of it with relativity while preserving the mathematics of relativity and eliminates the need for considering the velocity of light as being the highest attainable velocity.

1: The Problem

Physicists working on the OPERA neutrino experiment [1] at the Gran Sasso Laboratory CERN have clocked neutrinos travelling faster than the speed of light, the “super-photonic neutrinos.” If future tests confirm this finding and even if they do not, this finding behooves a review of the validity of the postulate of special relativity that states that nothing can travel faster than light, by asking and answering the following questions:
• If nothing can travel faster than light as predicted by the theory of relativity, how and why did such a velocity even become detectable during the neutrino experiments?
• Even if another experiment does not confirm the existence of the super-photonic neutrinos, was Einstein justified in concluding that nothing can travel faster than light based on a mathematical calculation and is there something we must do with the theory of relativity anyway to overcome this and other existing difficulties associated with it?

2: Methodology:

It is difficult if not impossible to determine what questions to ask, how to answer them in situations such as this and to solve problems recognized by those answers, using methods currently in use for doing these things such as common sense and relativity. I obtained ACTINEMAS [2] [3] [4] by expressing as an algorithm, the steps Einstein took to determine what questions to ask, how to answer them and how to solve problems recognized by those answers as he discovered relativity. In this study, we shall use ACTINEMAS to determine what questions to ask, how to answer them, and how to solve the problems we shall recognize from those answers vis-à-vis the detection of the super-photonic neutrinos and its implications for relativity itself. Before doing that, we shall briefly review the fundamentals of ACTINEMAS since ACTINEMAS is not yet well known.

3. 1; ACTINEMAS is the acronym for Algorithm for Coordinated Thinking, Intellectual Navigation, (Intellectual) Engineering, (Intellectual) Medicine And (Intellectual) Surgery.
3. 2: ACTINEMAS is the algorithm one will obtain if one expresses as an algorithm, the steps Einstein took as he discovered relativity, Newton took as he formulated the laws of nature that bear his name. In addition, it is the algorithm one will obtain if one expresses as algorithms the steps navigators, engineers, physicians and surgeons take as they do everything they do as they practice their professions. It is therefore reasonable to assume that ACTINEMAS is the algorithm for making new discoveries, and dealing with everything else with the expectation of the greatest chance of succeeding at every thing at which success is humanly possible to accomplish [3].
3. 3: ACTINEMAS is an algorithm or pathway of ten steps that maximizes the chance of success at answering questions and/or solving problems, especially those that seem to defy answering or solution by conventional methods of answering questions or solving problems such as common sense, Science, relativity and philosophy [3].
3. 4: ACTINEMAS works by insuring that one uses all ten of the fundamental faculties or attributes possessed by the human mind and body every time one uses it.
3. 5: ACTINEMAS will, if one takes all its ten steps diligently, enable one to engage in coordinated thinking, thinking using the principle of Cartesian Coordinates, to coordinate all of ones faculties and maximize ones ability to think to the best of ones ability. It will enable one to navigate ones way along the highways and the byways of ones mind as one thinks using the principle of Cartesian Coordinates the way a GPS device helps one navigate ones way through the highways and the byways of the world as one drives. It will enable one to abide by all the laws of nature as one engages in “Intellectual Engineering” the art and science of imploding (Imploding Einstein’s I-Bomb[10]) problems into their fundamental conceptual components, understanding them, and using them to build the new concepts required for solving the problems one is dealing with. This will insure that the plans-of-action one makes will have the greatest chance of success in the world outside ones mind, a world in which everything abides by the laws of nature implicitly. When things go wrong with ones thought processes, it will enable one to use Intellectual Medicine, to diagnose what went wrong the way doctors diagnose what went wrong with their patients’ bodies and to use Intellectual Surgery to remedy such malfunctions with the diligence of a surgeon without actually being one [3] [4]
3. 6: ACTINEMAS consists of asking and answering three questions in three different ways at three ascending levels of sophistication. When one asks and answers these nine questions, ones mind will automatically take over and ask and answer the tenth question because Nature has programmed the human mind to do this at birth. If ones mind does not take this step spontaneously, one must take this step deliberately by oneself and unify all the information obtained by using the first nine steps of ACTINEMAS using commonalities shared by them. [2], [3] [4].
3. 7: The three fundamental questions of ACTINEMAS are, what does “it” look like, what does “it” sound like and what does “it” feel like, where “it” is what one is dealing with. The three ascending levels of sophistication at which one must ask and answer these questions are as follows. At the first level, one must use ones raw, unaided senses of perception (common sense). At the second level, one must use instruments that augment the ability of ones sense organs to perceive (science). At the third level, one must maximize ones ability to perceive by using ones mind as an organ of perception to perceive matters that one cannot perceive any other way (philosophy, theoretical science and yes, even metaphysics [4]). To use ones mind as an organ of perception, one must ask and answer the three questions; what will things one cannot see, hear and/or feel, look like, sound like and feel like, if one was able to see, hear and feel them? [3] [4]. While answering these questions, one must remember that the attributes of the things one cannot see, hear and feel, will be equal and opposite to the attributes of things, one can see, hear and feel [4]. If one asks and answer these nine questions, ones mind will take over and take the tenth step. The tenth step consists of unifying all of the information one has obtained with the answers to the nine questions, into a concept that will enable one to understand what one is dealing with and what is going on, and prompt the best plan-of-action one could use for dealing with it by providing answers to questions and solutions to problems. If ones mind does not unify the answers to the nine questions one must do it deliberately by finding the commonalities shared by all of them and use them to unify the information into a plan-of-action [3] [4]. While searching for these commonalities, one must remember that the constant inertial velocity that affects everything in existence uniformly is the velocity with which time flows, or the velocity of time, and the remaining commonalities shared by everything in existence are the laws of nature. The laws of nature in turn comprise the laws of physics (general relativity as it applies to everything) and the laws of life, living and biology [2] [3] [4].
3. 9: Comment. I have documented everything about ACTINEMAS, how I happened to think about it, how I defined its steps, how Einstein used it to discover relativity, how surgeons, navigators, and engineers use it everyday and how anyone can use it anywhere and everywhere to excel at doing anything and everything, in my e-book “My Journey to ASET” [5]. ASET is the acronym for Algorithm for Success at Every Thing [2]. ASET is the shortcut for using ACTINEMAS in everyday life. ASET consists of looking at, listening to and feeling everything every way possible and repeating these steps ad infinitum. One must use ACTINEMAS at the beginning of an inductive process, when one wants to jump-start one mind when it stalls and to answer questions and solve problems that seem to defy answering or solution using any other conventional method. ASET will keep ones mind cruising at maximum efficiency as soon as one sets it in motion or jump-starts it using ACTINEMAS.
ACTINEMAS is the mother of all algorithms of which the human mind can conceive. In addition to everything else, ACTINEMAS enables one to “resurrect” literally, people who are no longer with us, and make them engage in conversations and discussions based on the algorithms they used to think and act during their lifetimes. I used this method to “resurrect” Newton and made him unify relativity with Newtonian Physics based on the velocity of time and account for all of relativity based on Newtonian Physics by asking and answering the questions of ACTINEMAS, in the Newton-Einstein Letters. These letters are hypothetical letters Newton wrote to Einstein after a hypothetical earlier meeting during which they discussed relativity. I opted for this unconventional method of presentation of this subject to avoid having to say things about the Theory of relativity and about Einstein, that someone must say at this point in the evolution of the history of relativity, something no one alive qualifies to do. It would be audacious on any ones part to say these things, other than someone of the stature and accomplishments of Newton. Therefore, I “resurrected him using ACTINEMAS and relegated the obligation to do this to him vicariously! [5] [6] [7] [8]. If not anything else, this approach will give Newton a chance to defend himself against Einstein’s treatment of Newtonian Physics and this presentation gives Einstein a chance to redeem himself.

4: The Questions We Must Ask and Answer vis-à-vis detection of Super-photonic Neutrinos and its Impact on Relativity, as Dictated by ACTINEMAS
Now we shall ask and answer the following questions that ACTINEMAS dictates we must ask and answer, regarding the detection of neutrinos that could be travelling at super-photonic speeds during the OPERA neutrino experiment:
4. 1: Why are we detecting super-photonic velocities suddenly now and why were we unable to detect them in the past?
4. 2: Was Einstein justified in saying that the nothing can travel faster than light based on a mathematical calculation? The answer to this question is “No” because Einstein did not ask and answer one of the questions that ACTINEMAS, his own algorithm, required him to ask and answer. Therefore, the third question is…
4. 3: What was the question Einstein’s own algorithm required him to ask and answer, that he did not ask and answer? This necessitates the next question:
4. 4: How would theoretical physics have been different had Einstein asked and answered the question he did not ask and answer?
4. 5: Will the existence of the super-photonic neutrino, if confirmed, invalidate relativity?
4. 6: What must we do at this point?

5. The Answers to the Questions We Must Ask and Answer vis-à-vis detection of Super-photonic Neutrinos, Based on ACTINEMAS

The Answers to the questions just asked as suggested by ACTINEMAS are as follows:
5. 1: The answer to the question; “Why are we detecting super-photonic velocities now and why were we unable to detect them in the past?” is as follows:
Super-photonic velocities were undetectable in the past because there is a fundamental difference between the neutrino experiments and the experimental and phenomenological evidence that support the validity of relativity. It is the fact that the neutrino experiments used multiple dedicated monitors to monitor each parameter that required monitoring whereas, in relativistic experiments and experiences, one monitor or observer monitored and observed multiple parameters while actively participating in the processes they were monitoring or observing. In the OPERA neutrino experiment, there were three monitors, two atomic clocks one at the source of the neutrinos and one at their destination and a GPS device to track them. This is in contrast with all relativistic experiments, and phenomenological experiences such as the Michelson-Morley Experiment, the Time-Dilation Experiment, and all the phenomena and experiences of relativity that apparently confirm its validity. In these situations, there was only one interferometer, one atomic clock or one observer fundamentally, and the sole monitor/observer had to monitor, observe and measure multiple parameters such as distances, durations and velocities while participating in the event they were monitoring! The reason why this will make a difference in the observed outcomes of experiments and observations is that instruments and observers are dedicated and can measure or observe only one parameter at a time. This is because the performance of each function requires expenditure of a dedicated duration of time for each monitor/observer to monitor/observe each event. When monitoring instruments and observers have to perform multiple determinations of multiple parameters, each requiring a dedicated duration, the constancy of the velocity of time [6] [11] that doles out dedicated durations of time to each monitor to perform each function, precludes performance of multiple functions by single monitors efficiently, especially if they require different durations [6].
5. 2: The answer to the question: “Was Einstein justified in saying that the nothing can travel faster than light based on a mathematical calculation?” is as follows.
Based on ACTINEMAS, Einstein’s own algorithm that he used to discover relativity, Einstein’s mathematics was 100% correct, but he was not justified in saying any of the things he said when he translated the results of his computations into spoken language for three reasons:
• Einstein did not ask and answer one of the ten questions ACTINEMAS, the algorithm he had set for himself to follow, required him to ask and answer, as he discovered special relativity.
• Any professional person who does not ask and answer the question Einstein did not ask or answer, while discharging the duties of his/her profession, will immediately fail in his/her endeavor and the endeavor will explode, self destruct, or collapse immediately.
• In a mathematically precise study such as physics, a 10% error at the beginning such as not asking one out of ten questions one must ask and answer will increase exponentially in time to become a 100% error in the end.
Comment: Einstein discovered relativity using the steps of ACTINEMAS prospectively. He creatively invented each of the steps of ACTINEMAS, and took it by asking and answering its ten questions randomly as he recognized the need for each one. This was acceptable as long as he asked and answered all ten questions every time eventually. Even though he described each step he took, he did not express all of them as an algorithm that he or anyone else could use in the future. He went on inventing and taking steps until he had discovered special and general relativity. He took nineteen steps in the process and described each step as a “thought experiment.” In the process, he had taken all the ten steps of ACTINEMAS once and this enabled him to discover the general attributes of relativity or general relativity, but he had taken only nine of the ten steps of ACTINEMAS he should have taken to discover special relativity, relativity as it applied to light and light transmission. Space will not allow me to describe in detail how Einstein creatively invented and took each of the steps of ACTINEMAS here, but I have posted this information at my website [4], and in my e-book entitled “My Journey to ASET” [4].
5. 3: The answer to the question; “What was the question Einstein’s own algorithm required him to ask and answer, that he did not ask and answer? is as follows:
ACTINEMAS required Einstein at some point, to ask and answer the question; “What will “it” feel like if I were able to feel it?” Where “it” was what he was dealing with. As he was discovering special relativity, “it” was the beam of light alongside which he was travelling at the velocity of light as he performed his famous thought experiment that enabled him to discover special relativity in the first place. In this experiment, Einstein literally travelled alongside a beam of light in his mind, and asked and answered the question ACTINEMAS required him to ask and answer at that point viz., “What will this beam of light look like? Will it seem to stand still as the laws of Newtonian Physics require it to do or will it seem to go on travelling at the velocity of light as Galileo’s principle of relativity requires it to do?” He answered himself correctly when he said that the beam of light would seem to go on travelling at the velocity of light as required by Galileo’s principle of relativity. At this point, ACTINEMAS required Einstein to ask and answer the question, “What would this beam of light that seems to be travelling at the velocity of light feel like, if I were to touch it, assuming I will be able to feel it?” Since a beam of light is something that would be imperceptible to his fingers, ACTINEMAS required Einstein to answer this question by saying that the beam of light would feel as though it was standing still. This was the answer to this question because the imperceptible attribute of the beam had to be the opposite of the perceptible attribute that the beam seemed to be travelling at the velocity of light. This is the question Einstein did or ask, or answer! Had he asked and answered this question, the answer would have revealed to Einstein the precise significance of special relativity with one hundred percent accuracy, the fact that special relativity had revealed to him what things would look like to observers and instruments travelling at high velocities approaching the velocity of light. The question he did not ask and answer would have revealed to him the fundamental deficiency of relativity, the fact that it did not take into account what things would feel like and what things feel like is what matters in real life, in the long run, and in the end. If an observer wants to know what is “really going on,” in the real world outside his/her head, the world in which s/he is living, s/he will have to ask and answer the question; “What will the thing/s I am seeing and hearing, feel like if I were to touch and feel it/them?” Had Einstein performed the thought experiment this question required him to perform, his mathematics would have remained unchanged because the answer to this question has no impact on mathematics of relativity. However, he would have worded everything he said about special relativity differently. To begin with, he would have said that the velocity of light will “seem to remain constant” and not “is, or will remain constant” during transference of light signals between inertial frames of reference.
5. 4: The answer to the fourth question: “How would theoretical physics have been different had Einstein asked and answered the question he did not ask and answer?’ is as follows.
Had Einstein asked and answered the question he did not ask and answer, he could have done a hundred years ago, the following things that we must do now:
• He would have unified relativity with Newtonian Physics soon after he had discovered it. He would have done this by recognizing the fact that the constancy of the velocity of light in special relativity is secondary to the primary constancy and invariance of the velocity of time, the velocity with which time flows everywhere, in all directions all the time. He would have realized that the constancy of the velocity of time is what fixes all constants as constants, and makes all variables vary and that includes the velocity of light in special relativity. The velocity of time does this by doling out time at a constant rate of one unit of time per unit of time to all events to enable them to occur and to all instruments and observers to enable them to make measurements and observations. [6] [7]. The constancy of the velocity of time is the cause of special relativity, and special relativity is the effect. It is impossible to express the velocity of time mathematically because it flows in all directions, forwards into the future, backwards into the past and sideways into the present, at all points in space and at all points in time. The easiest and probably the only way one could represent the effect of the velocity of time in relativity is to consider the velocity of light as a constant secondary to it and express it as a constant as Einstein had done.
• He would have accounted for black holes, white holes and wormholes of astronomy based on Newtonian Physics and the Doppler Effect as it affects light perception, and recognized the fact that observational black holes occur everywhere, not just in astronomy. He would have realized that observational black holes obscure information and are the cause for relativity and all the experiments and phenomena that verify it. He would have relied upon the mathematics of relativity to provide the mathematical specifications of the visual manifestations of relativity instead of considering relativity as a primary event that was their cause. He would have accounted for black holes, white holes and wormholes of astronomy based on Newtonian Physics, the Doppler Effect and the experiences of Everyday Life, and unified everything, defined the unified field theory he wanted to define and discovered the true theory of everything”[7].
• He would have recognized the fact that black holes are ubiquitous in their occurrence and occur in Newtonian Physics and in everyday life, not just in astronomy. He would have accounted for all of relativity from the Michelson-Morley Experiment to e=mc² based on the occurrence of the Doppler Effect and the formation of black holes and white holes in Newtonian Physics. [7] [8]
• He would have extended the use of his algorithm for eliminating fallibility from common sense and Newtonian Physics to philosophy and to everything in life. He would have unified the totality of the human experience, all the knowledge and experience in existence into a unified, bio-physical field theory of everything. Such a theory of everything would have maximized our ability to strive for success at answering questions and solving problems in everyday life, governance and medicine, especially those that seem to defy answering and solution any other way. [3]
5. 5: Will the existence of the super-photonic neutrino, if confirmed, invalidate relativity?
The answer to this question is as “No and Yes!” No, it will not invalidate the mathematics of relativity. Yes, it will necessitate revision of some if not all of the language into which Einstein translated the results of his computations of relativity into spoken and written language. [5] [6] [7] [8].
5. 6: The answer to the question, “What must we do at this point?” is as follows.
At this point, we must use the observed result of the OPERA neutrino experiment and the difficulties associated with the theory of relativity as reasons to take the ninth and tenth step of ACTINEMAS with regard to relativity. We must do this the way Einstein did it with regard to Newtonian physics, when difficulties emerged with the use of the latter towards the end of the nineteenth century. Here is what Einstein did with Newtonian Physics then, and what we must do with relativity now.
• Einstein asked and answered the ninth question of ACTINEMAS vis-à-vis Newtonian Physics then. Since the answer was contrary to everything he expected based on Newtonian Physics and the experiences of everyday life, he ignored all of Newtonian Physics and everyday life experiences and dismissed them prejudice. Likewise, we must ask and answer the ninth question of ACTINEMAS vis-à-vis relativity and the question Einstein did not ask and answer, and since its answer will be the opposite of everything Einstein said about relativity, we must ignore and dismiss everything Einstein said about relativity as prejudice now!
• Einstein recognized the fact that he could not ignore the principle of relativity and the imperceptible attributes of electromagnetism rendered perceptible by experiments and mathematical calculations then. Likewise, we must recognize the fact that we cannot ignore the mathematics of relativity, the experimental findings of the neutrino experiments, and the contributions of biology to physical investigation now.
• Einstein recognized the constancy of the velocity of light and used it to account for and unify everything he could not account for or unify, by using it as a commonality then. We must recognize the constancy of the velocity of time as the universal constant inertial invariant velocity common to all of existence and use it to unify relativity, Newtonian Physics, the experiences of everyday life, biology and everything else we cannot unify any other way into a bio-physical theory of everything based on ACTINEMAS, now.
• We must engineer a Kuhnian paradigm shift [9] from using relativity and common sense to do everything we do in theoretical physics and everyday life respectively, to using ACTINEMAS to do everything we do in the future in science and everyday life. We must make ACTINEMAS our universal problem-solving tool because it is the most sophisticated version of relativity, common sense and professional practice rolled into a single plan-of-action.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Super-photonic neutrinos have become detectable now during the OPERA neutrino experiment because of the use of multiple dedicated monitors to monitor individual parameters in the progress of the neutrinos as they travel from source to destination.
Super photonic velocities were undetectable in the past in relativistic experiments and phenomenological observations, because of the use of a single monitor/observer/participant in the experiments and phenomena. This practice results in development of blind spots or observational black holes that compromise the ability of monitors to monitor and eliminates the ability observes to observe effects of super-photonic velocities.
Evaluation of the Theory of relativity using ACTINEMAS, the algorithm Einstein himself used to discover relativity, vis-à-vis the possible existence of the super-photonic neutrinos, suggests that Einstein said that nothing can travel faster than light because he had not asked and answered one of the questions his own algorithm required him to ask and answer.
Upon asking and answering the question Einstein did not ask and answer, it becomes apparent that the language Einstein used to translate the revelations of his mathematical computations requires restatement, whereas his mathematics is impeccable and acceptable.
The language of special relativity requires restatement to recognize the velocity of time as the primary constant invariant inertial velocity common to everything in existence and that it is what makes the velocity of light constant and invariant in special relativity secondary to it. It eliminates the need for considering the velocity of light as the highest attainable velocity and makes it the highest velocity observable, using light as the enabling agent for observation and measurement.
This review also suggests the need for a Kuhn paradigm shift from using relativity and common sense in physics and everyday life to do everything we do, to using ACTINEMAS everywhere as it is the most sophisticated version of relativity, common sense and professional practice, to do everything in science and everyday life as the universal problem-solving tool.


[1] The OPERA Collaboration, Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the opera detector in the CNGS beam (2011) arXiv:1109.4897.
[2] Trivikram, A.T. “What is ACTINEMAS?”
[3] Trivikram A.T. “How to Achieve Success at Every Thing.”
[4] Trivikram A.T. “My Journey to ASET’
[5] Trivikram A.T. “If Newton and Einstein Were to Meet Today.”
[6] Trivikram, A.T. “Unification of Relativity with Newtonian Physics.”
[7] Trivikram A.T. “An Explanation For Black Holes and White Holes Based on Newtonian Physics.”
[8] Trivikram, A. T. “All the Experimental and Phenomenological Evidence Validating Relativity from the Michelson-Morley Experiment to e=mc² Accounted For Based on Newtonian Physics, ACTINEMAS, and the Ubiquitous Occurrence of Black Holes.”
[9] Kuhn, Thomas; “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.” Chicago University Press, (1970).
[10] Trivikram, A.T. “If Only President Obama Has Imploded Einstein’s I-Bomb.”
[11] Trivikram, A.T. “The Paradoxes of Relativistic Mechanics Explained Without Introducing New Paradoxes on the Basis of a Simple Law of Nature, the “9Inertial) Velocity of Time” Unpublished Paper, 1990.

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